Message from the DeanOur College’s steady growth for almost a hundred years, and the extraordinary achievements of our graduates, attest to our success in achieving that goal. MORE >
Short StoriesNews briefs from around the College
A Showcase for DesignAt Birmingham Fashion Week, students’ work is critiqued by someone other than their instructors. MORE>
One-Stop ShopNew nutrition lab space benefits students, faculty and research participants. MORE>
More Than MusicThis early education program enables children to achieve the seemingly impossible.
A Focus on RelationshipsGraduate students gain real-world experience in UA Clinic.
Making it RealMelvin Lewis, who teaches Sports Business Management, draws from his years in the NFL to prepare students for professional careers. MORE>
Starting EarlyThe director of UA’s Athletic Training Research Lab wants to help prevent injury in athletes,
especially young ones. MORE> |
Jack Davis AwardsEvery year, CHES presents the Jack Davis Professional Achievement Awards to outstanding alumni for accomplishments in their fields. Dr. Davis also was the first male graduate of the CHES nutrition department. MORE>
Rhythm of LifeEvery day, more than 100 homeless children find refuge at the Vogel Alcove School in Dallas, Texas. MORE>
Better Food Brighter FutureSeeing a 10-year-old holding a heaping plate of salad is MORE>
Filter of HopeJordan Stone was among more than a dozen students who took the gift of clean water to the Dominican Republic. MORE>
View from the Vatican |
Tide for Tusks |
Being There |