Ducks in a RowThe works of internationally acclaimed sculptor Frank Fleming, which are part of public and private collections around the world, include a growing cast of fanciful characters in the sculpture garden of the Child Development Research Center at The University of Alabama. MORE>
Leadership & ServiceLeadership Development through Service taught by Star Bloom. MORE>
Understanding AddictionCHES’s minor in addiction and recovery studies is based on science that can help prevent and treat this devastating and long‑misunderstood health issue.
In MemoriumDoris Burton died in September 2014. She is remembered with deep appreciation. MORE>
Far From a Typical ClassroomOn the ground in Liberia’s fight against Ebola, Zandrea Landor is completing her CHES degree. MORE>
Digital DefenseThis online course seeks to maximize awareness and minimize risk for the typical technology user. MORE>
Silver Lining
Gulf Shores Mayor Robert Craft says the secret to success in the hospitality industry is seeing obstacles as opportunities.
A Rich HeritageElahe Saeidi has always had a passion for sewing and design, but only after she came to the U.S. did she discover her exceptional talent. MORE>
A Creative LifeBeverly Kissinger is a CHES treasure. Artist, designer and teacher, she has enriched the lives of students and faculty for nearly 25 years. MORE>
Dr. CrenshawDr. Mary A. Crenshaw came to The University of Alabama in 1967 as dean of the School of Home Economics. MORE>
Without SleepLack of sleep is linked to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, reduced learning and memory ability, impaired judgment and dangerous driving. MORE>